This is it!  The kickoff event for OSS Operations for 2022-23.

This first event is an online virtual event, scavenger hunt/spy mission/cipher breaking exercise.

​The actual event for prizes will take place from 7/26 at 5 pm (when the emails with assignments will go out) for 7 days until August 2nd at 5 pm.

People can participate at any time after that but will not be competing for the prizes, but will still get the patches!

During that time, participants will embark on a trip that will take them from cities and college campuses in the US to historical OSS operations across the globe.  You will use a variety of ciphers and google maps to locate POIs on the globe.

All participants will receive the Fox Patch and the X-2 patch (shown below).  The top 3 finishers (as recorded by the google forms submission) will get a choice of some historical OSS memorabilia. 

Cost is $10. 

At the designated start time, you will receive your code book and an email link for the google forms submission.  Use whatever tools you want, some are provided, to answer the questions.  Having MS Word will help. If you don't you can download the viewer.  Answer record your answers in the word doc, and when you have completed all the assignments, go to the google forms link and submit your answers.  You can only submit once, so be sure you are ready.  Placing will be determined by 1)Correct answers, 2)Fastest response.  Prizes only awarded for top 3 finishers.

To get started, use the "Buy Now" button below to register.

Fox Events